Rising Tide Doulas and Lactation — Breastfeeding and IBCLC Lactation support
Baby breastfeeding and looking up into mom's face [Rising Tide Women's Whole Life Wellness]

Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding Support

Sometimes nursing is harder than we expected it to be.  Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel by struggling on your own, call in some professional, kind, compassionate help.  Liz is an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) with years of experience working on a hospital maternity unit, including training physicians and other medical staff in best practices around lactation.  She nerds out about the science of human lactation and reads research studies for fun, so she's well-grounded in the research and in evidence-based practices around breastfeeding.  

Whether your visit is in person or online, we will work together to create a plan that works to help you reach your own breastfeeding goals.  I will also provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company to request reimbursement (I can't guarantee reimbursement, but it's well worth a try and many folks do get it.)

Not sure what kind of visit to set up? Get in touch and we can help you figure it out!


Virtual visit: 45-60 minutes of expert online support via Zoom to answer your feeding questions, make a plan to support your nursing relationship, and get you what you need. This is a great option for parents who are looking to talk about going back to work, get help with a specific issue, or who need follow-up from a previous visit.



In-person visit: 60-90 minutes of expert support, including a feeding observation with support for whatever issues you may be having, as well as teaching about what to expect and what's normal.  We'll talk about how to know your baby is getting plenty of milk, since that's a question many new parents have.  



New! Prenatal Strategy Session: 30-45 minutes of expert online support via Zoom to answer your feeding questions and help you create a strategy to set yourself up to meet your goals when your baby arrives. This is for parents who are still pregnant, looking to prepare themselves for a great feeding experience.



New! Contactless Weight Check: (Available only for families on Cape Cod) Just what it sounds like! I’ll bring my baby scale to your house, sanitize it, and drop it on your front doorstep. You bring it inside, weigh your baby (I can talk you through how to do it on the phone if need be), and then put it back on the doorstep. I’ll sanitize it again and you’re all set! If you find you need a virtual or in-person visit afterwards for follow-up, I offer 10% off either one of those.



New Parents' Group

Liz facilitates an infant feeding group at the Eastham Public Library on Tuesday mornings from 10am to 11:30. All parents and babies are welcome, and if there are cancellations you can find them on our facebook page.

You can get support from Liz, or just show up to talk to other people who are wearing yoga pants and wrangling babies all day. You are welcome at these meet-ups whether you breastfeed or not; we are fiercely protective of this nonjudgmental welcoming space.

*Please note that Liz lives in Brewster and may need to charge a travel fee of $75 to $100, depending on distance, for families outside her usual service range.